A Message From
Tony Smith
Thank you so very much for the trust and confidence you have placed in me by electing me to the position of President-Elect of the South Carolina Elks Assoc. I really have only one goal and that is to help make our association the absolute best state association in the United States. I know that will require a lot of work from all of us. However, as South Carolinians, we have never been a group to shy away from a challenge and we have never been afraid of hard work. So, let's get to it! As we go about the work of Elkdom, let's do our best to enjoy
our work and have fun along the way. As my good friend and mentor George
Bloodworth (PSP, PDDGER, PER) always said, Again, Jane and I thank you for the opportunity you have given us. We hope to see you all soon! Tony Smith, PER, PDD President Elect
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