A Message


Robert Ressler

Special Deputy

To The

Grand Exalted Ruler


Dear Brother and Sister Elk;

It is an honor and a great privilege to serve as your Special Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler. In this capacity, it is my utmost desire that we all can work together. I ask that as an Elk you read over and strive to learn the total meaning of your obligation in the Order and keep it in your mind and in your heart. By exemplifying the principals of our Order we can set examples that will encourage others to join us and create countless opportunities to work together in support of our programs demonstrating that “Elks Care, Elks Share.

Always remember and make it a practice to conduct lodge business only in the lodge room or at meetings of designated committees and boards so sanctioned by Grand Lodge Statutes. In doing so you will not only be adhering to your obligation but you will be making a great contribution to the harmony of your lodge.

As I am sure you are aware, the more effort you put into a something, the more satisfaction you get in its achievement. I realize that the demands of family and work come first and limit our spare time. However, I ask that you make a concerted effort to participate in as many of our local, state, and national programs as may be possible. I am sure that you will find your efforts in doing so are rewarded by smiles, happiness, and gratitude by those on the receiving end.

If you feel at any time that I may be of assistance to you please do not hesitate to contact me. I do respectfully ask that you ensure our Sponsor, Past Grand Exalted Frost and myself receive an information copy of all correspondence pertaining to our Order and your lodge whether it be written or received by you.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Robert L. Ressler, PSP/PDDGER

Special Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler