A Fraternal Organization

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Robert Aiken

Elk of the Year





 It is now time to be thinking about submitting your Elk of the Year. Enclosed is the State Elk of the Year form that will need to be submitted for nomination for the State Elk of the Year Award, which will be presented at the Business Meeting at the SC Elks Summer Convention.

State Elk of the Year Forms will also be located on the SC ELKS Website, SCELKS.ORG.

Please submit this form to me NO LATER THAN JULY 1st, so that I may send entries to the State Elk of the Year Committee Members for their review and input.

Thank you for your participation in this committee as your Elk of the Year deserves the opportunity to be awarded the State Elk of the Year as he/she has worked very hard in your Lodge to help support your programs as well as State and National programs.

Please remember to submit your lodge's Elk of the Year BEFORE JULY 1st. 

You may e-mail me your form or send it via postal service:

Robert Aiken, State Chairman

SCEA Elk of the Year Committee

3125 Nims Spring Dr

Fort Mill, SC 29715


Phone and Email


Nomination Form